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Person Writing

Past. Present. Future and Beyond!

Creative Writing

Here's a little collection of my creative writing. I hope you enjoy my work and I invite you to contact me with any questions or suggestions!

Creative Writing Portfolio: Work

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Send them my way—I thrive on constructive criticism!

The Beautiful Bride

Swayed hard from left to right

The shades of Crimson shone so bright
Struggled and wriggled out of those bumps

There, they endlessly ooze from thy thumbs!

Slammed so firm and hit on the ground
Sunk and arose looking around

The sense of dread seeped deeper and deeper

Did nothing but wait for the next suffer.

Scars and marks bruises and scratches
Every time makes sure no one catches
Direful tears rolled down her cheeks
lustrous eyes now reddened in weeks.

Dada's princess mama's doll

Shriek's and screech; cry and call

Yet another ungratified response

That led her life on stings and thorns.

The hovering silhouette of the Ice-cold soul

Sent shudders and makes her howl

Once soared with smile, freedom, and pride

Now lay still and placid- the beautiful bride.

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